How to Start Fundraising
Once you've set up your personal page, you're ready to start fundraising! Here are some tips and tricks to help you hit your goal:
Personalize page & share your why
Tell your friends, family members, and colleagues why you are raising money for Expect Miracles Foundation and how cancer has impacted you!
Reach out to your network
Your network is bigger than you think - college friends, professional & personal connections, etc. Send them a text or email with your personal link.
Understand the cause
100% of every participant-raised dollar supports EMF's research funds and financial assistances fund.
Match your donations
See if your company has a matching gifts program (and ask your donors to do the same).
Use the app
New this year, we have an event app making asking for donations and thanking your donors easier than ever!
Power of social media
When you post on social media you will be amazed by the response you get. People care and are interested in your story and efforts.
Fundraising Ideas
Personal Milestone Match: Pledge to match every donation received with a physical fitness activity. Commit to running an extra mile, biking farther, or walking longer for every donation received in a single day. Share these challenges on social media to inspire donations and community engagement.
Storytime Sunday: Use social media to share your personal connection to Expect Miracles Foundation or cancer awareness. You could write a heartfelt social media post or create a short video. People are more likely to donate when they understand your "why" and how cancer has impacted your life.
Skip the Takeout: Don't order out for a week or a month and donate the money saved to your fundraising effort. Share how skipping just one meal out can make a meaningful impact on your fundraising via social media. Invite friends or coworkers to join in skipping delivery and share what they’re cooking (and donating) instead!
Birthday or Celebration Fundraiser: Dedicate a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion to your fundraising effort. Instead of gifts, you can ask for donations to your Distance Challenge fundraiser.
EMF can provide a customizable message or graphic you can share online to promote your "gift for a cause" idea.

How to build your team
Reach out to everyone you know
The EMF Distance Challenge is a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues, friends, and family, get active, and engage in a friendly competition – you never know who will want to join your team. Friends and family are welcome to join your company teams!
Think about your networks
At your office, think about the many different groups of people you interact with each day. Departments can join together OR make their own teams to have some internal competition! Invite companies that you do business with to join forces with your team.
Share your team page on social media and on company intranets!
Let people know why you’re participating in EMF Distance Challenge and encourage others to join you in creating lasting impact in the cancer community. Tap into your company's corporate communications to help spread the word!